In conjunction with Lifenet Children's Foundation Inc. we operate two child sponsorship schemes.
Full Sponsorship
Support a child living at the House of Joshua. More details here:
Education Sponsorship
Enable a child living in the local community to go to school and support their wider family through the Growing Hope Program.
Please contact us for more information
Could you be our local representative in your church, social club, scout troop or school?
To grow our work we need to increase our supporter base and get the message out to a wider audience. But we can't be everywhere so we rely on our Local Ambassadors to represent us.
If you think you might be interested please send us a message or give us a call.
If you run an organisation or group that might be interested in learning more about what we do let us know or to partner with us please get in touch.

Every charity needs money to make things happen and we are no exception.
If you fancy organising a fund raising event we are here to help you. Whether it is running a marathon or just requesting a donation in lieu of birthday gifts from friends and family we are grateful for every penny.
Our operating costs are virtually nil and we have no paid staff so everything you raise will go to our beneficiaries
If you need information and images for a display we can help.
Click through to our InvestMyCommunity page to make donations and pledges online or set up your own fundraising event..